
Change Management & Communications

Areas of Practice

Change Management & Communications Strategy and Implementation * Communications Coaching * Executive Presence & Coaching * Media Training & Interview Preparation* Speech Writing * Crisis Management * Internal Communication Assessment & Process Design * Corporate Communications Outsourcing * Re-branding * Leadership Changes * Employee Engagement & Events * Community Relations * And more...

Corporate Communications

Van Derven Group has a proven range of experience to support your organization across a variety of communication disciplines. We also have the experience to help you design the most effective and efficient communication practices for your organization. 

Change Management Consulting

Whether it is a major transformation or simply a change in business process, Van Derven Group will craft a change management plan inclusive of all internal and external audiences. With a solid change management approach combined with flawless execution, your organization will achieve its objectives.

Communication Coaching & Education

Van Derven Group can help you take your communications to the next level by leveraging our experience in helping both individuals, teams and entire organizations improve their communication skills. We believe that an authentic and well-delivered message gets attention and leads to results.